Message from the President: January 2015

    Posted by adminon Jan 27, 2015 9:38:00 AM

    As we begin the new year the AAST is preparing to finalize anew strategic plan有been updated to focus on the challenges we face in 2015 and beyond. We believe it is a forward looking and viable plan and we have sent a request to you, our members, requesting your feedback to assure that we address the needs of all stakeholders. Please take a few moments to review the plan and email your thoughts and suggestions to us

    It is also now the time of year to consider the contributions your colleagues have made to the profession over the past year and nominate the deserving individuals you know for an AAST award. This year we have updated the AAST awards to reflect some of the recent changes we have seen in sleep medicine and technology over the last few years. Visit the AAST website to review the awards and nominate a deserving technologist.

    A2Zzz includes free CEC's in every issue for AAST members, an excellent reason to become an AAST member.

    Membership renewal is in process and I encourage you to renew your membership if you have not already done so. The AAST offers excellence in education for technologists at every level, including advanced courses and online modules as well as current information, guidelines, competencies and advocacy for technologists. Please note that you need to "check the box" if you wish you receive the Sleep Technologist Awareness Week poster when you renew your membership.

    Remind your colleagues that the AAST continues to offer free access to A2Zzz to all sleep technologists. In addition, the first module of our recent Sleep Care Manager course is still available on the AAST website as a free resource. Encourage your colleagues to take a few moments to review the excellent resources the AAST has to offer and encourage them to join the AAST. They will be glad you did!

    Rita Brooks
    AAST President
