From the President - A2Zzz Volume 21, Number 3

    Posted by adminon Oct 23, 2012 12:21:00 PM

    Serving you as AAST president this year has been a wonderful experience, and I’ve enjoyed being able to speak to members throughbeplay体育app ios。我always tried to remain open and honest when it comes to addressing members. I was told that as a leader, there would be some days when staying positive would be difficult. That’s true, as I’m only human. I’ve also learned that my attitude can have a critical influence on everyone around me. That’s the burden of leadership. Over the past two years I’ve worked hard to facilitate and support a good working relationship with all the key players within the sleep profession. That hasn’t been easy, nor have I always received the warmest of welcomes.

    约翰·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)曾经说过:“变革是生活法则。那些只关注过去或现在的人肯定会错过未来。”我坚信这一点。因此,当我们关注我们职业的未来时,我们会看到什么?AASTbeplay2020网站登录董事会意识到,地平线上存在重大变化,可能会对睡眠技术的职业产生重大影响。在过去的18个月中,我们一直在努力制定我们的新战略计划。随着美国医疗保健最近的变化,AAST一直在试图设想可能的“新蓝图”可能是什么。beplay2020网站登录AASTbeplay2020网站登录已开始为我们的会员资格提供教育产品,以应对那些“设想的变化”。beplay体育广告今年的秋季课程,Out of Center Sleep Testing and the Future of Sleep Technology,will help sleep centers plan for the future.

    The AAST is excited to welcome Dr. Richard Rosenberg as our new Coordinator. Dr. Rosenberg has been working with the AAST for many years and has collaborated with us on several educational products. I want to personally welcome him in his new role as AAST Coordinator in the national office and let the membership know that this is a wonderful move forward for the AAST.

    The AAST board and Dr. Rosenberg, along with the Education Committee, have been reviewing and evaluating new opportunities for sleep centers that include programs and products on Out of Center Sleep Testing (OCST), PAP-NAPS, physician clinics, durable medical equipment (DME), oral appliance therapy, and behavioral sleep medicine. We’ve been working to provide relevant policies and procedures for all new programs being intergraded into our sleep centers. We’ll also be focusing on tracking patient outcomes, patient compliance, and insurance requirements. Our goal is to meet the needs of our membership and keep both the AAST and our members current on all issues affecting our profession now and in the future.

    Now that I’m in the last few months of my term as AAST president, I will be diligent in my efforts to continue fostering good relations with all stakeholders. The winds of change are upon us. I know there are differences among us regarding the impact and effects of the changes we face. I have made an effort to seek the right answers, place no blame for the past, and to understand that I alone am responsible for my attitude. I can never show how grateful I am to each of you who have shown your loyal support, confidence and acceptance even when our processes may not have seemed clear to you. Thank you.

    Until we meet again,

    Melinda Trimble
    AAST President
