总统 - A2ZZZ第21卷,第1卷beplay体育app ios

    发表 admin2012年3月1日下午12:25:00

    作为领导者,我们必须始终准备抓住这一时刻:一切都会上升并落在领导力上。我们每个人以某种方式都是领导者或老师。无论您是睡眠中心经理还是睡眠技术人员,经验丰富的技术人员还是全新的实习生,我们每个人都领导某人 - 同事,同事或患者。

    As a manager or a sleep technologist, the effectiveness of your work will never rise above your ability to lead or influence others. Effective leadership skills determine your success in your workplace at any level. I also think that 99 percent of all employees want to do a good job. How well employees perform is simply a reflection of their development as a leader.

    How are leadership skills learned and leadership potential maximized? I believe it is through education. As a manager, I know that staff education is vital to the success of my team. I also understand that “people do what people see,” so as a leader I feel it is important to “lead by example.” I have strived to be an effective and positive role model. I routinely work with my staff to find ways to add a little education in to the daily work environment.

    作为AAST总beplay2020网站登录统,我的热情一直专注于教育。在接下来的几年中,AAST致力于为各种经验的睡眠技术专家beplay2020网站登录开发新的教育机会。我作为AAST主席为自己设定的目标之一是试图在AAST网站上为技术人员和经理提供更多beplay2020网站登录的在线教育。我的愿景是以合理的成本为会员提供创新的教育机会。beplay体育广告我很高兴AAST最近推出了两个新的学习机会,beplay2020网站登录即“本月案例”和“ AAST Journal Club”。当您访问AAST在线学习中心时,您可以在这些系列中的每个系列中寻找新的每月分期付款。beplay体育是什么beplay2020网站登录这些按需,在线学习模块是一种负担得起且方便的方式,可以在获得继续教育学分的同时就各种主题进行教育。

    Over the last few months the AAST board of directors has been working to develop our new Strategic Plan. A draft of the plan was posted on the AAST website in February for member comment. I am grateful for those of you who took the time to review the plan and provide feedback. Your input will be discussed as we finalize the plan at our April board meeting.




    今年英超的教育活动是一个AST 34th Annual Meeting, and the preliminary program was recently mailed to members and is available online. The four postgraduate courses - Scoring of Sleep for the Sleep Technologist, Developing Sleep Technology Education Programs, Managing a Sleep Center for the Sleep Technologist, and Case-Based Review of Sleep Disorders for the Sleep Technologist – and the three-day General Session will equip you to handle the many challenges that face today’s sleep professional. I encourage you to make plans today to join us in Boston from June 10-13, 2012, and be sure to register by April 25 to save $75 on the registration fee. I promise you that the annual meeting will be a highlight of 2012!

    在下一期A2ZZZ中,我将告诉您有关AASbeplay体育app iosT计划秋季的激动人心的课程。beplay ued客户端beplay2020网站登录在此之前,知道AAST致力于提供尽可能多的教育计划,beplay2020网站登录以帮助您进行专业发展。我希望今年六月在波士顿见到你!


    Melinda Trimble,RST,RPSGT,LRCP
