AAST Announces Rose Ann Zumstein Memorial Program

    Posted by adminon Oct 24, 2014 1:00:00 AM

    The AAST Board of Directors has developed a new program to honor past President Rose Ann Zumstein and provide current members with an opportunity to receive scholarship funds to assist with costs related to attendance at the AAST Annual Meeting and AAST courses. The purpose of this program is to provide the association with a vehicle to remember and honor Rose Ann as an outstanding AAST leader, for her commitment and contributions to the association as well as many years of service and for her dedication to the organization and the sleep technology profession.

    AAST Memorial Honoree

    Members of the AAST are encouraged to honor Rose Ann by contributing to the Memorial Program and affording technologists who would otherwise be unable to participate in continuing education programs an opportunity to attend AAST courses and programs.

    The AAST Board of Directors is initiating this fund with a $1,000 donation and will continue to recognize our friend and colleague with an annual donation to the fund. Donations in Rose Ann's memory should be mailed to the AAST at the address below along with your name and/or organization. Donors will be recognized in thebeplay体育app iosmagazine and scholarship funds will be made available at AAST courses and the annual meeting as funding permits. Please note contributions to the AAST Memorial Fund are not tax deductable.

    American Association of Sleep Technologists
    Attention: Rose Ann Zumstein Memorial Program
    2510 North Frontage Road
    Darien, IL 60561
