AAST Director Spotlight: Allen Boone

    Posted by adminon Jan 8, 2014 12:00:00 AM
    The 2014 AAST Call for Nominations will be issued next week, so be sure to check the website for additional information if you are interested in applying. We will continue to highlight the current Directors to encourage you to get involved with the organization.

    This week's Director Spotlight features Allen Boone, RPSGT, RST, CCRC. Allen is currently serving his first year as an AAST Director-at-Large, after volunteering as a committee member for many years. Read Allen's story below!



    I attended my first meeting in Phoenix, Arizona in 1992. I was very interested in passing the registry and the opportunity to go to a national meeting was invaluable. I had never before experienced classroom settings where they taught record scoring, troubleshooting, or laboratory operations- much less for several days. I later used several things I learned at that conference to pass my exam. A couple of years later while attending APSS in Boston, Jon Atkinson recruited me "to go beyond just being a member of the APT." The next thing I knew, I was being mentored as a Boards Part 3 Examiner; a role I participated in for next 4 years. Since that time I have served on the Awards, Educational Products and Program Committee- the latter of which I now serve as the Board Liaison. I strongly believe that my experiences with volunteering for the AAST have had a great impact on my career. It has opened doors and introduced me to professional networks I might not have otherwise been invited to. For me, the sense of volunteerism with the organization is a matter of "paying it forward" in helping others who take their valuable time and resources to make the valuable contribution to our profession.
