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The Clinical Sleep Health Professional (CCSH) e-Book

Topics covered include Normal sleep and circadian rhythms, Evaluations of sleep disorders, Incidence and prevalence of sleep disorders, Clinical presentation of sleep disorders, Clinical evaluations, and Patient follow up and management. Each chapter also includes questions as a check for knowledge comprehension with an answer bank.

40 knowledge assessment questions with access to an answer key are also included.

  1. Introduction: The Clinical Sleep Health Professional
  2. The Technologist’s Path to Sleep Care Management
  3. Sleep Basics
  4. 睡眠评估Disorders
  5. Patient Follow-Up and Management for the CCSH
  6. Patient Education and Motivation
  7. Sleep in Special Populations
  8. Clinical Presentation of Sleep Disorders
  9. Service Management
  10. Developing Multidisciplinary Programs
  11. The Future of Sleep Medicine and the CCSH Role


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