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Infant and Toddler Sleep Disturbances

Includes a Live Web Event on 04/17/2023 at 5:00 PM (EDT)

Sleep disturbances are highly prevalent in infants and toddlers. Dr. Mindell will present empirically-based strategies for the management of bedtime problems and night wakings in young children. Factors that contribute to the development of these issues will be presented. Behavioral interventions discussed will include the importance of sleep schedules, bedtime routines, and the development of self-soothing skills.


  1. Understand prevalence of sleep disturbances in infants and toddlers
  2. Discuss factors associated with behaviorally-based sleep problems in young children
  3. Review empirically-based treatments for bedtime problems and night wakings

Jodi A Mindell Ph.D., DBSM

Professor, Department of Psychology

Saint Joseph’s University/Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Continuing Education:

  • 1 AAST CEC after passing a short knowledge assessment in the AAST Learning Center


  • Freewith AAST Membership
  • 30美元for Non-Members


AAST Webinar: Infant and Toddler Sleep Disturbances
04/17/2023 at 5:00 PM (EDT) | 60 minutes
04/17/2023 at 5:00 PM (EDT) | 60 minutes