Message from the President - September 2018: Are You Ready for Sleep Education?

    Posted by Rita Brooks, MEP, RST, RPSGT, REEG/EPTon Sep 10, 2018 8:55:00 AM

    Rita Brooks Image.jpgIn my previous message, I shared some of AAST’s illustrious history, including its many changes over the past 40 years. I also went into detail about AAST’s first independent annual meeting, which will be starting in just a few short weeks!

    I’m beyond excited to meet with AAST members, vendors and speakers in Indianapolis from Sept. 28-30. In particular, I am looking forward to excellent presentations from our keynote speakers Henry Givray and Mary Smith; and our distinguished lecturers, Meir Kryger, MD, FRCPC, and Teofilo Lee-Chiong, MD, who will be discussing the past, present and future of sleep medicine and advanced PAP therapies, respectively.

    If you’re interested in hearing more about the topic of Dr. Lee-Chiong’s lecture before you go to the meeting, you can read an interview he did on the AAST

    If you’re a first-time attendee to a sleep meeting — or even if you’re a seasoned veteran — I suggest checking out the article on page 21 called “How to Make the Most of AAST’s 2018 Annual Meeting.” The piece was originally written by Tamara Sellman, RPSGT, CCSH, in June 2016, but it’s been updated with tips for our new conference as well as some advice from our Strategic Content Committee members.

    I also encourage you to register for the BRPT’s Special Forum at the annual meeting. It’s titled “Going Beyond the RPSGT Credential – The Increasing Relevance of the CCSH Credential in Today’s Healthcare Environment” and it is being held on the first day of conference, Sept. 28, from 8 a.m. to noon.

    Those who register will learn how leaders are putting their CCSH credential into practice and billing for their services, as well as be part of a panel discussion that will touch on opportunities for credential holders. Plus, you will be able to earn four additional continuing education credits for the session. You can still add the CCSH forum onto your registration if you haven’t yet! Clickhere.

    As always, enjoy this issue of A2Zzz, and I hope to see you at the meeting!

